

Daeizm, also known as Dae The Human, creates stunning work in both the written form and illustration. There is something about the tone and flow of his writing that makes me feel as if I am reading a transcript of my own thoughts. He finds a straight shot into your mind and perspective by often addressing the reader as ‘you’.

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That subtle shift in pronoun moves his words at the speed of light right into your consciousness. It’s that intimate presence that allows him to connect so deeply with his readers. I believe we subconsciously yearn to be reunited within a collective conscious formation of peace and deep understanding.

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Dae’s writing provides a pathway back into the collective. His writing illuminates the darkness which we all seem to tread. You discover that he understands the human plight down to it’s core and is able to communicate that understanding through words that offer comfort and connection.

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Dae works brilliantly with his powers to illustrate. He captures the likeness of his subject with a graceful, fluid precision. One thing I am initially always drawn to when it comes to art is the personality of the artist’s strokes. The artist’s strokes can reveal so much about their energy and mood. There are quite a few observations I’ve made regarding Dae’s strokes.

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I recognize a tender presence, as there doesn’t seem to be overly heavy pressure from the hand. The lines sometimes whisk light and quickly. I see a bit of fixation, as there are multiple strokes in the same area for reinforcement. Fixation could be a result of repetition, perfection, and fascination. I see many sharp and blunt edges, which could translate to strength and security.

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The sharp edges seem to occur in areas that serve to define important boundaries, such as jawlines and various curves on the body. It is interesting that some of the feminine curves in the above piece come to sharper points as opposed to traditionally curving.

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It’s decisions like these that I admire. This does not take away from the feminine structure of the piece. In fact, it adds to it in a mystifying and glorious way. Dae’s color palate can be described as soothing, gentle, calm but still vibrant. His hues are boldly pastel and unique.

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He recently completed the cover of a book called Chrysalis, Ascension, Genesis by Priestly Temple. Once again, I’m in love with the tones and hues of the cover as they are soft, gentle and pleasing to the eye. There is a retro seventies energy that glows from the illustration which makes the book stand out immensely from other book covers. Chrysalis, Ascension, Genesis will be available for pre-order November 11, 2018.

Dae has also has a book published called MariGold, “a collection of growth through poems, prose & proverbs”. It is scheduled to be re-released soon. Stay up to date with MariGold on his site, where you can find and purchase digital art prints, custom digital self-portraits and custom poetry.

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I’ve recently came across his Spotify playlists and have found them to be such an amazing addition to my work-chill atmosphere. Not only does Dae arrange words and hues, but he curates some outstanding collections of music to fit moods that I exist in quite often.

Currently, he has four incredible playlists on Spotify that feature some of my most favorite artists to listen to as well as new sounds I’m glad to have discovered. I believe there is an art to crafting playlists that involves perhaps including some things people may have heard of so they have a feeling of familiarity and trust, and then showering them with music that sparks their attention and curiosity.

One of my favorite tracks from the Unwind collection are Bombo Fabrika by Gabriel Garzon-Montano. I adore this song for its fantastic funkiness and the length of the groove they set into motion. I love when a track allows time for me to sync/sink into a serious groove state. One of my other favorites is Rose Quartz by Toro Y Moi. I’ve already been a fan of Toro Y Moi, but I’ve never had the pleasure to hear this particular track. The violin sample sorcery is what really drew me in.

From the Sacral collection, I enjoy Recrd by Eyukaliptus for its good solid vibe action. That’s exactly how I wrote it in my notes except the words are stacked on top of each other…Good Solid Vibe Action. I’ll use that as a description when necessary from now on. I actually strive myself to create some G.S.V.A. in my own music. The other track I really enjoyed listening to was Wild Beach by Doja Cat. She does some magnificent meowing in that song.

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One of my favorite tracks from the Soft Tension collection is Already Knew That by Ro James. A song may get an instant five star rating from me if it rolls out with some strong R&B funky bass chord progressions. I’m a heavy chord progressor and I crave a good progression, especially in R&B arrangements. Another track I fancy in this collection is Flight by Omarion. I am a die-hard Omarion/B2K fan for life. Also, the song trances out well. It gives me time to catch the wave and ride it for a second before the song closes out.

From the Lite collection, I really like Gotta Know (feat. Jerry Paper) by Kari Faux. My notes read Groovy Swag Supreme. Three words that describe my alternative personality. If I find music that caters to different shades of me I’m attaching myself pretty quickly, yes. Another track I liked was Play No Games by Iman Omari. My notes read Iman Omari Obession Overload. I won’t go into that right now, but just know, I have an obsession overload with this man’s music.

That wraps up my Rose Land feature of Daeizm. It has been a pleasure to discover your work. Thank you for your contributions to the fabric that is our world. I admire your super-human strength and kind soul. May you reap a thousand times over the great things you have sewn.

Long Live Daeizm aka Dae the Human (aka Dae the Sonic Curator)


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